Wednesday, 11 September 2013

Reasons Of Hiring Freelance SEO Consultant

Search engine optimization is a process in which your website’s traffic is increased by optimizing your business website while using the on-site and off-site elements. This work is either done by yourself or you hire SEO consultancies for carrying out the entire optimization work. In addition, you can also take the service of freelance SEO consultants for the purpose too.

Here are some reasons why you must go for hiring freelance SEO consultants and what benefit do they provide to your firm.

Benefits Of Hiring Freelance SEO Consultant:

The SEO services are required to maintain the working of a website. When the website is created, you start thinking of its optimization and soon you decide to hire the most experienced services to carry out the entire work in the most optimum manner.

Hiring a freelance SEO consultant is better than hiring SEO Company. A freelance SEO consultant is cheaper to be hired as compared to the companies because freelancer has lower overheads as compared to the companies. In addition, when it comes to SEO Company, they are unable to provide their services for small projects; however, freelance agents can easily work out on smaller projects at the time of need.

SEO Companies usually charge you their standard fee for a month. In contrast, freelance SEO consultant might cost negotiated charges for you.

As a freelance SEO consultant needs to survive for earning their money; therefore, they always try to provide you with the best SEO services. They work hard to provide you with the best results of SEO. He tries to invest more time and energy in your projects in order to deliver the entire work within the given time.

As the reputation of a freelance SEO consultant is at stake, he therefore, tries his best to create a good impression on the website owners. He tries to utilize the entire knowledge and time to provide the best SEO services to their clients. Also, SEO freelancers are better than the companies because they know that they have to survive in the industry; therefore, they provide personal assistances to you at any time you require. They remain available all the time for your firm.

These are a few reasons why SEO freelance consultants are considered much better than the SEO companies. If you are deciding for hiring SEO services, then consider the above benefits before choosing an option.

Tips For Starting New SEO Campaign

Every now and then I come across having words with some companies which are already doing SEO practices or which are thinking over to switch from one SEO company to another because of several reasons. In this article, I am going to discuss all those ways which are considered accurate to start search engine optimization campaigns.

Some Basic Steps for SEO:


Most of the SEO companies do not offer this facility to the companies; however, it would be great if you find such companies which let you have an initial conversation regarding the entire SEO process. If you will have an initial conversation, the SEO firm will get to know about the goals and objectives of your firm. You will get to know about the SEO campaigns which are going to be practised by these SEO experts for your firm. In short, you will be able to provide sufficient information to the search engine optimization expert regarding your company.


After that initial consultation, SEO agents must carry out a valuable research on the most competitive keywords which could prove beneficial for the websites. They need to carry out a vast research on those keywords which are most frequently searched by the users to get an access to their required information. In addition, search engine optimization companies offer their insights to the business owners and explain them about their detailed research regarding SEO campaigns.


The next step is to present your proposal to the firm. After enough consultation and research, you have to create your plan and then present your proposal to the firm in order to let them know about your search engine optimization plan regarding their website optimization. You can prepare a good proposal which can incorporate 2-15 pages in it. Include all the strategies which are going to be adopted by you in order to carry out the entire SEO process for the firm.


After all the hard work, now is the time to implement your strategies and campaigns on the business marketing. This process will remain in progress for a vast time as long as your business owner wants you to do the work for him.

The aforementioned important steps are required for carrying out successful search engine optimization campaigns and strategies. Although they are biased approaches, yet they are going to benefit a lot of search engine optimization companies in order to take the businesses on top search engine rankings.

Pay Per Click Management

One of the main questions and strategies of every advertiser is to discover ways to get its ads viewed as much as possible on its websites via pay per click. Around the holiday season the business for advertisers increase as thousands of people sit on the internet and open every possible ad they can to decide what place to select for their vacations.

In order to get your pay per click advertisement working, along with some really attractive ads which can compel the visitor to visit your website, you need to follow some pay per click management features that have been introduced lately which will help you flourish your website.

Product Listing Ads (PLA) - A Pay Per Click Management Service:

If you have the product listing ads you should keep your focus on “AdWords_Labels” as it provides a very detailed section of promotion of ads. With the help of this AdWords label you can adjoin the products of your higher margins in your AdWords Product Listing Ads (PLA) which will only show the products with advanced margins.

It has been confirmed by tests that the feature “Dynamic Remarketing” is very well suited for the campaigning of your ads for a holiday season. This Dynamic Remarketing will show only relatable ads to the viewers visiting your website. Another mark of this feature is that it knows how to attract your customers and how to make them shop again on your website. It will show your customers the things they have already bought by creating an ad and other things they might like of the same category.

Another task which is followed mostly nowadays and has proven to be quite useful is the ad on videos.  You can make the visitors like your ads by posting your ads before a video on YouTube. If the viewer likes your ad you will get visitors on your website. You can select any format which includes In-stream, In-slate, In-search and In-display to get your ads viewed.

Facebook Exchange:

Facebook Remarketing is also an easy way of promoting your ads. If your ad is attractive enough you will get visitors as every Facebook user will get your ad on his Newsfeed page. It is known as Facebook Exchange. Along with Facebook Exchange for the promotion of your holiday ads make sure to post your ads on Bing as well. It has progressed a lot over the years introducing features and aspects used frequently by the advertisers.

Advantages Of WordPress Training

Previously, people used to make simple websites by paying webmasters. Whenever any sort of changes were required, webmasters used to take a lot of time for making these changes. When all the required changes were made, your website would be ready to be seen by the world.

Previously, webmasters used to use HTML language on their websites. The disadvantages of using HTML were that HTML was not at all search engine friendly. Those webmasters who used to utilize it for website’s optimization used to take a lot of time and cost for the optimization process. In addition, HTML never contained a content management system in it; therefore, it was very difficult for them to add a lot of content and then manage it.

Introduction Of WordPress And WordPress Training:

WordPress was introduced after a long of the introduction of the search engines. It is considered a highly well-defined content management system. When you possess a WordPress account, you can easily change and edit the content of your website very easily.

The entire work of content management is very simple and easy on WordPress. Once you get to know about its basic tools, you would find it more fun to work on. The plug-ins and widgets offered by WordPress contain a lot of benefits for your content management.

If you are a non-technical person and you want to optimize your website through WordPress, then you can do so by getting efficient WordPress training.

WordPress consists of a lot of features. You might be aware of some of these features and might not be able to use all of them. However, with effective WordPress training, you can get to learn about all the main features and would be able to use all of them effectively in your work as well.

People usually consider WordPress video training as the best part of it. Text documentation is not the only thing which would help you out in your WordPress experience. You also need to learn about its video training if you want to get the best results.

The content which is created on WordPress is search engine friendly. Google loves the websites which are created through WordPress. This is why; these WebPages get a better position in the search engines too.

So, if you want to get better results of your content in the search engines, you need to get the best WordPress training for the purpose.

SEO Training Manual - Using the Right Keywords for Better Search Engine Rankings

I have been working in SEO field for about five years. According to my observations, if a business wants to be seen on the web, it must invest some time and cost in search engine optimization practices. Keyword incorporation is the most significant practice in search engine optimization.

Some Usable SEO Training Tips:

First of all, you need to know which keywords are most commonly searched by the visitors. Find out the targeted keywords which hold the ability to attract maximum audiences towards your website. SEO training can provide you with some very valuable information regarding this topic. Different kinds of keywords can be used to increase the traffic of your website. I have described some of these types in this article.

Big Keywords:

Find out the big keywords to be incorporated into the content of your website. Choose the most competitive keywords if you want to enhance the traffic of your website. These big keywords place your website in great competition with the other websites using the same relevant keywords.

You can use multiple words to create a big keyword for your website optimization.

Long Tail Keywords:

Long tail keywords are the long length keywords which are used by most of the businesses to enhance the website traffic. These keywords bring long tail search to your website. Long tail search is the one in which the visitors stay for a long time on your website. It means that he got the information which he is looking for on your specific website. Never hesitate to use long tail keywords in your content if you think it is the cause of brining maximum traffic to your website.

It is not about incorporating the right keywords in your website. There are certain other steps which must be carried out by you in order to enhance your website’s working. These processes include writing the most relevant content for your website. If your website contains the most relevant content, then it becomes easy for the visitors to find the required information.

In addition, if you write your content in such a manner that it creates a lot of inbound links for your website, then this procedure would be highly beneficial for you. Besides, you must optimize your content and write it in a simple and clear manner. It must be easy to be read by the readers and must contain the required information in it.

By getting excellent SEO training, you can learn to produce quality content for your business website.

WordPress Hosting - Moving From Local Server Site to Live Site

Previously, I explained how to install WordPress on your computers using different software programs. In this piece of writing, I am going to explain how to shift your WordPress from server site to the live site. With the help of this process, you would be able to transfer your entire stuff including content, themes and templates from server website to the live site on the web.

In order to move the WordPress stuff from local to live set, you need to have a server site and WordPress hosting for the support of the content of WordPress on the live site.

Basic Steps for Moving to Live WordPress Site

First of all, you need to explore out your database and then export it to the live site. In order to find out the database, you need to learn about the program required for it. Customize the database which needs to be exported and then download the database for further processing.

Now, you need to connect with your live site. Once you get connected with it, you need to upload your database in the right directory. Make sure that you are updating the content in the right directory of the live site.

Now, import your database after creating MySQL on the live site. When the database is uploaded, you need to go into the MySQL folder and then create and add more users to it. Now, you have to grant all the privileges to the users in order to let him carry out the entire work in an easy way.

Now is the time to transport your database from WordPress to the live site. By selecting the required files from MySQL, you can easily transport these required WordPress content files to the live site.

In order to set up your WordPress live site, you need to change the URL of your site. After changing the name of your URL for creating a specific identification, you need to set up your WordPress live site. By updating the paths and fixing the broken images, you can enhance the quality of your WordPress live site.

These are some basic steps which I usually follow for shifting my content from server site to the live site. You definitely require having WordPress hosting for carrying out the entire work in an easy manner. Follow the above steps if you are looking forward to create your WordPress live site.

Effective Copywriting for Your Blog Marketing

I often receive several emails from clients who ask a lot of questions regarding selecting the right strategy for effective blog content marketing. Contents are very crucial part of any business’s marketing. After my SEO experience, I consider it a very significant part of all the SEO strategies. Google now ranks the websites on the basis of the quality of content they contain. Therefore, the main focus of all the businesses usually remains on creating quality content.

Paying off Blogs with Copywriting:

Writing blogs do not earn you money. Yes, it does earn money for those, who know how to carry out the procedure in the most proper manner. A great content is that which offers the customers what they actually want to see in your website. When you provide the customers with what they want, you create a lead, which ultimately leads you to earning more profits.

You need to incorporate the ideas which the customers are actually looking for. You have to convey your message in the most desirable manner to the visitors. In order to earn more money, you need to write attractive, specific and highly informational blogs for your visitors.

There are a few important things which must be focused on while writing blogs. You must search out if the keyword on which you are writing is gaining enough traffic on the web. You always have to select such a phrase or keyword which brings maximum traffic to your website.

You also need to search out if your keyword is competitive enough to stay alive in the market. If it isn’t, then it would be difficult for you to survive. In addition, you must check out if you can create excellent quality content for your visitors. You must be able to target the audience through your content by incorporating the targeted keywords in it.

In addition, you have to add quality links to your content in order to earn maximum visitors. You must focus on creating quality content which contains the ability to attract visitors and then convert them into leads. When maximum visitors will be converted, it would become beneficial for you to earn profit out of your business.

You can use copywriting software for creating excellent content for your business website. You can also take the services of SEO experts who know the basics of copywriting and know how to produce exceptional content.

Advantages of Using Responsive Web Design

In case you have been working on your website analytics over a period of time, you might have noticed that there are a million of customers who visit your website through their Smartphones and mobile devices. The percentage of people using mobile devices for getting an access to the required mobile websites has been increasing over a period of time and is expected to grow lately too.

Mobile web designers have created an approach which can handle the amount of traffic which comes from mobile devices. Responsive web design approach, now being used all over the world, has a lot of benefits for the users, developers and marketers too. This article comprises of all such benefits which can be obtained by using such responsive web design approach.

Some Major Benefits of Responsive Web Design:

Previously, designers used to design separate websites for all the devices in order to provide them with excellent user experience. However, with the help of responsive web design approach, the users can attain the same experience by changing their mobile devices. Designers, no more have to create separate websites in order to provide enhanced user experience to the users.

As single URL is used in all the devices to get an access to a single website, therefore, the downloading time is reduced. As no redirection is required; therefore, users reach their desired website using the same URL. This saves the ranking of your website in the search engines. Same experience is provided to the users on desktops, laptops and tablets too.

When you have a single set of URL for your website, it means that you only have to examine and report the analytics of a single URL. You would not have to waste your time in managing the analytics of your website.

With responsive web design approach, a common code is used by the designers. Therefore, all the changes are made in a single place and can be seen by visitors at once. This will reduce the time and cost which is usually required to update your website in an efficient manner.

As most of the users get an access to the required websites by using their mobiles and such Smartphone devices; therefore, the conversion rate of these websites increases. Thus, the percentage of sales increases to a great extent.

By incorporating responsive website design approach in your web design, you can simply gain all the above explained benefits.